Tartar and plaque accumulation begins the progression of gum disease. The bacteria generate toxins that significantly affect the bone structure and gum tissues. It leads to chronic inflammation and even loss of teeth. Sadly, gum disease does not cause pain as it progresses. Therefore, you do not notice the damage the infection is causing. The signs become more common when an adult reaches 30 to 40 years. Gum disease begins as gingivitis. But it is already the beginning of periodontal disease. The stages of gum disease are different from each other. Also, the management choices and gum disease treatment vary.
Below are the different stages of the gum disease:
Gingivitis word is composed of “gingiva” and “itis.” Gingiva means gums and itis means inflammation. Therefore, together the meaning of the term is inflammation of gums. Gingivitis is the initial stage that leads to achy and swollen gums. You may also experience other symptoms like bleeding from gums, bad breath, etc.
The best way to make your gums healthy is to get routine dental cleaning and check-up and stick to a proper dental hygiene routine at home. During your treatment at dental offices, the dental professional will remove the plaque and recommend continued dental care to stop and reverse the infection from progressing further. This mildest form of gum disease is curable.
The most serious form of periodontal disease is known as periodontitis. It is most common in adults. Common symptoms of periodontitis include loss of bone, loose or falling teeth, and gums pulling away from teeth. This serious infection damages the soft tissues surrounding the teeth. It also results in gum recession, visible pockets between gums and teeth, and poor teeth alignment.
When gingivitis is left untreated or longer, it results in initial periodontitis. During this, inflammation in the gums becomes chronic. Due to this, hips, knees, and fingers experience significant damage. It also causes damage to the fibres that join the tooth roots to the socket.
At periodontitis stage 1, you won’t notice pain and other signs. Once you have early periodontitis, only a dental health team and a specialist can help you manage your condition. The treatment of stage 1 periodontitis starts with teeth cleaning and deep cleaning. Deep cleaning is also called debridement. During this process, the oral surgeon eliminates the calculus and bacterial build-up from the tooth roots and gums.
Without receiving treatment for stage 1 periodontitis, moderate periodontitis occurs. Unlike initial periodontitis, the damage to the joints and ligaments between the tooth roots in its socket is more permanent. It means, if you have moderate periodontitis, you are not likely to suffer from more lost teeth, gum recession, and lost supporting bone. During moderate periodontitis, you may sometimes have a bad-tasting discharge from the swollen gums.
The end and serious periodontitis stage is known as severe periodontitis. During this, you are unlikely to face pain. But a bad taste, bad breath and teeth appearing longer due to gum recession is common. You may also notice the change in bite, soreness, or abscess with pus. During severe or advanced periodontitis, the infection spreads beneath the gums. It makes it more likely for the patient to lose their most natural teeth.
Also, the ones that are remaining are usually loose. Your teeth do not have sufficient bone or gum to support them. You can expect chronic pain when suffering from severe periodontitis. Thus, it is essential to get advanced periodontal disease treatment at the earliest. It’s because it can result in other serious health issues like heart attack, or diabetes.
Although stage 3 periodontitis is not reversible, getting assistance from the periodontist Ridgefield Park NJ and other specialists like orthodontists and prosthodontists can help you manage your condition.
These experts will help you save most of your teeth and determine the most appropriate treatment option. When you are in a state where all your teeth require removal, the Ridgefield Park dentist helps you replace them with dental implants or dentures.
If yes, speak to the expert local dentist or visit Village Dental today. He/she will help you determine at which stage you are and what steps to take next to tackle it.